Customs Clearance
Our brokerage division and their certified CHB members and associates provide Customs Clearance (remote) at all majors U.S. ports nationwide.
If you import goods and products, and you are acting as the IOR (Importer of Record) , you are ultimately responsible for the correct tariff classifications. We can assist you in identifying the proper customs code(s) applicable for your product(s) in order to comply with tariff rules and regulations.
For10+2 filings, please download the following forms in order to establish your ISF account.
Your international exports to Port(s) of entry and/or DDU/DDP deliveries to your client’s facilities worldwide are handled cost-effectively, and are monitored daily for accurate processing through our tracking system.
Please call your personally assigned team member for latest updates and news releases.
We are ready to assist you through the Transworld LIVE Hot Line.